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professional seriousness

文章来源:澳门美高梅网站    时间:2019-12-27

and contact various administrative departments of the university. The vice-dean shall assist the dean of the school in handling external affairs. 2. The vice-dean shall be in charge of personnel management in accordance with SUSTechs human resources management system, the school will fully reflect the integration of medicine, dedication, moral, and benevolence; 4. The vice-dean shall establish and promote multi-level teaching and clinical training cooperation with hospitals under or affiliated to SUSTech and cooperative hospitals and assist in the planning and design of the medical teaching functions of the building of the School of Medicine; 5. The vice-dean shall actively promote the preparation of the joint medical school project with Kings College London and promote in-depth educational cooperation in a number of medical disciplines. III. Vice-Dean of Administration (I) Recruitment qualifications

地址:广东省广州市番禺区金城国际大厦    电话:+86-0000-96877    传真:+86-0000-96877
技术支持:织梦58【DEDE58建站】    ICP备案编号:   版权所有:澳门美高梅网站
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